Anesthesiology and Reanimation


Every patient who will undergo surgery is examined by an anesthesiologist and necessary laboratory tests are performed. Before the operation, other existing diseases of patient, if any, are also treated in the relevant services. After informing patient and their relatives about the anesthesia method to be applied, the signed consent of the patient and/or relatives is obtained. Appropriate sedatives are administered on the day of surgery to reduce the patient's anxiety.

Once arriving at the operating room, patient is welcomed by the anesthesia team. After monitoring the vital functions of the patient in the operating room, general and/or local anesthesia is applied by the anesthesiologist with the assistance of anesthesia technicians. Anesthesia devices and monitoring amenities in operating rooms enable safe anesthesia administration to every age group from newborns to the elderlies.  Patients are completely pain-free in postoperative period thanks to the drugs or local anesthesia administered before or during surgery. Anesthesia team administers epidural anesthesia to the expectant mothers for a pain-free delivery.

Yedikule Surp Pirgiç Armenian Hospital Intensive Care units have isolation rooms equipped with cutting-edge medical and technical devices, as well as respiratory Anesthesiology and Intensive Care pumps and monitors, invasive and noninvasive cardiac output monitoring, infusion pumps, hemofiltration-hemodialysis, oncotic pressure measurements, co-oximeter blood gas and osmolarity and EEG monitoring facilities.

Thus, intensive care units admit patients which underwent major surgeries, patients with severely impaired general health, as well as patients who suffer from respiratory and circulatory failures, poisoning, anaphylaxis, cerebral hemorrhage and ischemia, major injuries in traffic accidents, progressive muscle and nervous system diseases, myocardial infarction, multiple organ failure, and in case of sepsis and shock. Intensive care patients receive treatment from the anesthesia team in cooperation with relevant doctors.

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