Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition and Dietetics

Personal nutrition counseling means preparation of a diet plan in line with the needs of the person. Every person has a unique metabolism, daily energy-nutrient needs and lifestyle. This is mainly defined by the age, gender, weight, medical history and environmental factors. Therefore, an effective diet plan must be tailored to the needs of every person.

What does personal nutrition counseling include?

Diet according to age and gender

Learning principles of healthy eating

Right nutrition during diseases

Maintaining health and making healthy eating a lifestyle

Proper nutrition according to your physiological condition

Healthy Weight-Loss Programs

A nutrition program aims for weight loss. These programs are tailored to the person. Body analysis is the first step of the preparation of the program. A target weight is determined under the guidance of dietician taking client's desires into account. A personalized diet plan is designed by considering client's age, gender, health condition, blood tests, medications, social life, working hours, favorite and non-favorite foods. Body analysis is repeated in every stage of the follow-up process. Results and diet process is evaluated together with the client, and if necessary changes are made in the diet plan.

Healthy Weight-Gain Programs

A nutrition program aims for weight gain. Dietitian determines a target weight after body analysis and BMI (body mass index) measurement. In this program, target is to ensure healthy weight gain and meet every needs of the body. Personalized diet plan targets at ensuring body intake sufficient amounts of macro nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate) and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals). Before preparing a diet plan, it is necessary to define clearly why client is underweight. This may be due to various reasons; for instance, loss of appetite, many diseases (Anorexia, Bulimia), or a fast working thyroid.

Nutrition in Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes

Medical nutrition treatment is necessary to prevent diabetes, treat the existing diabetes, to prevent or slow down development of diabetes-related complications, and forms the basis of the treatment. Nutritional changes should be considered in accordance with the lifestyle, cultural preferences and socio-economic status of the person and accordingly an appropriate nutrition program should be designed. In gestational diabetes, the necessary energy should be provided for weight gain at the recommended level during pregnancy. Although weight loss is not recommended for pregnant women, moderate energy and carbohydrate restriction may be appropriate in overweight and obese pregnant women with gestational diabetes.

Nutrition During Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding

During pregnancy, the baby grows thanks to the transfer of nutrients from the mother to the baby through the placenta. Nutrients carried to the baby should be considered in addition to the mother's own needs. During breast-feeding, the mother secretes milk. This milk is a product of the mother's nutrient intake. The nutrients required for milk should also be considered in addition to the mother's own needs.

In this respect, the basic purpose of mother's nutrition during pregnancy and breast-feeding is to meet own physiological needs of mother and maintain balance between nutrients in her body in order to ensure normal growth of baby and fully provide the energy and nutrients required for the milk.

Nutrition During Childhood and Adolescence

Nutrition During Childhood

The purpose of healthy nutrition in children is to ensure balance and diversity of the necessary nutrients. The necessary nutrients that children need to intake do not change compared to adults, except for the amounts needed to ensure their healthy growth and development.
Various nutritional deficiencies or obesity are also very common in this age group. The nutritional condition of the child should be determined and accordingly a diet plan should be designed.

Nutrition During Adolescence

Nutrition is an important factor during adolescence as growth is rapid.
Diet plan is designed to meet the requirements of an adolescent determined according to his/her height and body weight corresponding to the relevant age. (Percentile) Obesity and associated problems are more common in advanced countries due to the unbalanced eating styles. Healthy eating habits in adolescence play an important role in preventing some diseases (such as obesity) in later ages and in acquisition of a permanent eating habit.
With the onset of menstrual bleeding in girls, their nutritional needs increase. In particular, the need for iron increases. In this period, measures should be taken to prevent iron deficiency anemia in girls.

Childhood Obesity

Obesity is defined as the condition where adipose tissues are increased and accumulated to a level that threatens our health. This condition arises as a result of the interaction among many complex factors. These are known as cultural, social, genetic, physiological, behavioral and psychological factors. In the diagnosis of obesity in children, percentile curves are observed for height for age, weight for age and weight for height. When obesity is diagnosed, a dietitian should be consulted and a diet plan should be prepared, which must meet nutritional needs of the child in order to lose weight in a healthy way. These plans are personal and should be prepared in accordance with the child's social life and favorite foods.

Nutrition in Cardiovascular Diseases

It is known that there is a link between the protein, carbohydrate, fiber, trace elements and vitamin content of the diet, serum cholesterol levels and the formation of atherosclerosis. In cardiovascular diseases, the risk of later diseases can be reduced by prophylactic measures that start at an early age. The diet is one of the factors that can be controlled by individuals. Risks can be reduced with a correct diet plan.

Nutrition in Oncology

Many types of cancer are treated with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and/or immunotherapy. These treatment methods are commonly accompanied with side effects such as loss of appetite, weight gain or weight loss, nausea and vomiting. For this reason, it becomes very difficult to eat and maintain a good diet plan during and/or after cancer treatment. There is no definitive diet and nutrition rules in any cancer treatment. The patient should be informed about the side effects of the applied treatment and an appropriate diet plan should be prepared.

Nutrition in Gastrointestinal System Diseases

Nutrition therapy in gastrointestinal diseases covers many diseases. Some examples include Gastritis, reflux, diarrhea, constipation, malabsorption (absorption disorders, such as lactose intolerance), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and IBS. Nutrition is very important for recovery and symptom relief in each of these. All of them have different nutrition and a diet plan is prepared in line with the complaints of the person.

Nutrition in Eating Disorders

Eating normal and healthy is not only about what an individual eats, but also about how and why he/she eats, and his attitudes and behaviors related to nutrition. While eating has a different meaning for each individual, it also varies depending on the individual's physical condition, lifestyle and emotional needs. Eating disorders means set of facts that lead to insufficient or excessive food consumption due to a disorder arising from the mental and emotional state of the individual. It is possible to classify eating disorders as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified. The aim of nutrition therapy in eating disorders is to provide nutritional guidance that will ensure normal physiological functions and physical activity by developing nutritious eating habits.

Nutrition in Geriatrics (Nutrition in Old Age)

Geriatric nutrition (nutrition in old age) covers individuals of 65 years and older. As with all ages, adequate and balanced nutrition is very important for the protection and improvement of health in this age group. Adequate and balanced nutrition is important for the prevention or treatment of common diseases in old age such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, paralysis, skeletal and muscular system diseases.

It is important to ensure adequate and balanced nutrition in old age and to take the necessary nutrients into the body. Consumption amounts of recommended foods vary from one individual to the other. A personalized diet plan is created taking into account the age, gender and physical activity status of the individual. Factors such as decrease in taste and smell, tooth loss, loss of appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients due to aging can adversely affect nutrition.

Nutrition for Athletes

There is an interaction between nutrition and success of an athlete. The purpose of the athlete's nutrition is to fully meet the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals spent for vital activities and training according to gender, age and physical exercise. The heavier and longer is the training, the higher is the energy requirement. A personalized diet plan must be created.

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