• Arthroplasty (Prosthesis Surgery)
Arthroplasty is the surgical reshaping or creation of a diseased and dysfunctional joint, making it functional again. Joint prosthesis surgery is the procedure of surgically removing the dysfunctional joint and placing an artificial joint in its place. Prosthetic surgery is the most effective solution method in the appropriate patient group in eliminating joint movement limitation and joint pain complaints.Today, it is possible to surgically replace many joints. These are the hip and knee joints, as well as the shoulder, elbow and ankle joints.
• Arthroscopic Surgery
Arthroscopy is a method that provides the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that occur within the joint by visually examining the inside of the joints using special optical devices. Arthroscopy is a closed surgical procedure performed by entering into the joints with 2 or 3 1 cm holes. It can also be applied in non-articular diseases such as tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Our main applications are:
Knee Arthroscopy
-Meniscus Repair
-Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Repair and Revisions
-Mosaicplasty (Cartilage Transplantation)
-Side Ligament Repairs
Ankle Arthroscopy
-Mosaicplasty (Cartilage Transplantation)
-Ostrigonum Syndrome (Hilar Foot Arthroscopy)
Hip Arthroscopy
-Impingement Syndrome
Shoulder Arthroscopy
-Impingement Syndrome
-Rotator Cuff Repair
-Bankart Lesion
-SLAP Lesion
-Recurrent Shoulder Dislocations
Wrist Arthroscopy
-TFCC Repair
-TFCC Debridement
-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Wrist Nerve Compression)
• Sports injuries
Sports injuries are injuries that can happen not only when doing sports but also in daily life. Sports injuries are a general name given to some types of injuries. The most common sports injuries:
1. Foot and wrist sprains
2. Knee ligament injuries
3. Achilles tendon injuries
4. Shoulder capsule and muscle injuries
5. Elbow Tendon Problems
6. Injuries in the waist and back region
7. Bone Cracks and fractures
8. Joint Dislocations
Treatment protocols ranging from rest to drug treatments, physical therapy and rehabilitation, injection treatments and surgical treatments are applied in the treatment of these disorders.
• Pediatric Orthopedics
We carry out follow-up and treatment gait disorders, foot problems, congenital deformities, shortness, developmental hip dislocation and spine disorders, suffered by children under the age of 16, as well as follow-up, treatment and surgical interventions of children with CP (Cerebral Palsy).
• Trauma Surgery
In addition to causes that every person may encounter frequently in daily life such as falling, impact, sprain, these injuries can occur due to may causes such as traffic accidents (inside or outside of the vehicle), home and work accidents, sports injuries, firearm injuries and natural disasters (earthquake, being under a dent, etc.) Orthopedic injuries resulting from trauma can occur due to fractures, joint dislocations, bone and soft tissue (muscle-tendon-ligament, vessel and nerve) injuries around the joint, or in a combination of them. If traumatic injuries are not treated appropriately, problems such as infection, limitation of joint movement and calcification, and even loss of limb (extremity) may occur, in addition to complications such as malunion or nonunion specific to fractures. The aim of the treatment applied in our hospital is to ensure the integrity of the body, to restore the functions of the relevant region and to return patients to the active daily life in the shortest time possible.
Our main applications:
-Surgery for hip fractures
Hip fractures carry a high risk especially for elders. It is important to perform surgery and remobilize this patient, especially in the early stage.
-Knee Fractures and Dislocations Surgery:
Healing is very fast with surgical treatment suitable for early compression in knee and surrounding fractures.
Ankle Fractures and Dislocations:
The success rate of early surgical treatment in the first 8 hours of ankle fractures is quite high.
-Elbow, Shoulder Fractures and Dislocations
-Wrist Fractures
In addition, there is no loss of wrist functions in wrist scaphoid fractures with the closed surgical procedure, called as percutaneous.
• Foot and Ankle Surgery
Foot and ankle region problems mainly include foot and ankle sprains, tendon-ligament problems, flat sole, hollow sole, toe deformities, sole and heel pains. Orthopedic surgical interventions in the ankle region are frequently performed for degenerative diseases, ankle fractures and dislocations, sports injuries, ligament-tendon problems and cartilage injuries. Foot surgery is applied to many problems such as the big toe and other little finger deformities, flat feet in children and adults, diabetic foot, rheumatological foot problems, tendon problems, heel problems, foot deformities causing gait disturbance, congenital deformities, ankle cartilage lesions, sports injuries, finger and nail disorders, heel fractures and related sequelae.
• Hallux Valgus
Hallux Valgus is a progressive deformity that occurs in the toenail. Although the exact cause is unknown, there is a familial predisposition. It is more common in those who wear narrow and pointed heels for a long time. The disease causes deterioration in other fingers over time. Although hallux valgus can be seen at any age, it is more common in older ages. In hallux valgus disease, walking difficulty begins over time. As the disease progresses, patients have difficulty in wearing shoes and become unable to maintain their daily life. It can be tried to stop the progression of the disease with silicone roller and night splints. The definitive treatment is surgery.
• Heel Spur
Heel spur is a very common serious condition. The biggest complaint of patients is severe pain in the heel when walking in the morning. These pains begin to decrease after taking a few steps. The cause of the heel spur is the excessive stretching of the tendons on the sole of the foot and accordingly the calcification of the heel bone, so-called the calcaneus. Although there is no known exact cause, wearing hard-soled shoes, standing a lot, having low soles are one of the few causes. In the treatment, medical therapy and physical therapy should be applied as a priority. The heel spur is tried to be broken with the method called ESWT.
• Nerve Compression
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: It is numbness and loss of strength in the thumb, index and middle fingers due to nerve compression at the wrist level. If medical treatment does not produce results, surgical treatment is applied.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome:
Nerve compression at the elbow level. Numbness and loss of strength occur in the ring finger and little finger. If the complaints continue with medical treatment, surgical treatment is applied.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome:
It is one of the causes of unexplained pain and numbness in the ankle. Successful results are obtained with medical treatment and surgical treatment.
Microsurgery: These are surgical procedures performed with the help of high magnification microscopes in tendon vascular nerve injuries. It can be applied in acute injuries and sequelae of chronic injuries.